
May 8, 2024

Moving away from Spring.  Headed toward Summer, my least favorite time of year.  The preference is for mild to moderate temperatures and modestly dressed individuals.  But, it is May 8, so "Onward Christian Soldiers."  

Daily devotion found this blogger at Hebrews 2.9; "He by the grace of God should taste death for every man."  Why? Why would He submit Himself to the death of the cross? Well, further in Hebrews 2 explains, He is not ashamed to call them brethren...."   Then, a favorite truth to this believer, "the children which God hath given me...to make reconciliation for the sins of the people." (Heb 2.13, 17)

He did it all for me

Once a man whom we know as the Son of God
Hung upon a cruel tree
He suffered pain as no mortal man
He took my place, He did it all for me

When I step just inside of those gates of pearl
And the Master's face I see
I'll gladly kneel at his nail-pierced feet
Oh praise the Lord, He did it all for me

He did it all for me
Each drop of blood was shed for even me
When the Savior cried, bowed His head and died
Oh praise the Lord, He did all for me