
Mother's Day - what does it mean?

The most widely used verse regarding Mother's Day would have to be Proverbs 31.28; "Her children arise up, and call her blessed..."  Proverbs 31.10-31 also signals what one thinks of when meditating on godly moms. Psalms 127.3 explains a moms heart concerning her children.  Isaiah 66.13 describes how closely the heart of a true mother resembles the heart of the Lord toward His children. 1 John 3.4 expressed a mother's heart when prayerfully holding them up to the Lord in their walk with Him.

However, one verse stands out in devotion this day as to "sacrificial love" and causes this blogger to question how far this mother would go for her child and grandchild.

"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death..." (Heb 2.14)

Called in to question is this inquiry; "Would I really die for my child and/or grandchild?"  It is easy to type the words, "I believe I would," since I've never been tested on this point.  

It is clear from this passage how dear the Lord thinks of His children.  I am humbled and grateful to say, "I am one of them."  The writer of Hebrews stated, "He also...took part of the same; (flesh and blood)."  We understand He was very God and He was very man or flesh and blood. He understood the love a parent has for a child, yea the tender love of the mother who birthed flesh and blood from her own body.  This is how closely we may identify with His earthly walk that had spiritual significance to live forever.

Again, "Would I die for my child or grandchild?" Are they so precious to me that I would stand in front of them and "taste death" for them that they could go on living? Would I stand in front of a bullet, a lion or a train to give them life?  That is exactly what the Lord did for every believer!

Lately, I've heard messages about hard hearts and how to avoid such.  I have issues with trust.  I love my child and grandchild above all others.  I would do anything in my power to help them in life. All these thoughts cause this heart to meditate on how very much, unfathomable, eternal love my Lord has for me.

So, when thinking "Happy Mother's Day," after honoring my own mom who is still with me, I want to give thought on how much sacrifice the Lord has for me.  Such love is too wonderful to understand.  However, I will receive it because it was freely given, though One had to die to give such unconditional love.

Thank you, Lord for loving me so much.  May I continue to love my own and others with such sacrificial love that demonstrates a little of what was freely given to me.

Humbly, gratefully submitted,

Greenland blogger, Ps 57.7