
Ahh...Spring is on the way

My favorite time of year is Fall but Spring rates next.  I appreciate Winter because little skin is seen.  I detest Summer because of all the ludicrous flesh baring clothing (or lack of) that must be endured. 

At the moment, though its only mid-February, I hear one little bird waking up.  It is a beautiful reminder that as long as this world exists, spring will come. Much hope is in my life at the moment.  

Come July, I will observe 60 turns around the Sun.  Incredible!  Lately, much thought is given to what my life has been, what has been accomplished and what I will leave behind. To many, according to the worlds standards, I've been a total failure. I prefer to see my life in terms of eternal perspective.  I prefer to define life events from a spiritual point of view.

Early days were simple and uncomplicated without adult pressures.  All my needs were met.  I remember a few happy Christmas mornings.  Despite turmoil in the household, I had strong prayer warriors giving me a spiritual foundation that would set me up for future events.

Teen years weren't fast enough.  Too much to contend with.  I desired friends and understanding adults.  There was a church that did much to shape the rest of my days because of a godly, spirit-filled, powerful pastor.  There was a mentor to listen to the ramblings of a sad, confused teenage mind.  Still, at 18, I remember grabbing all the zest and zeal from things and people around me.  Homelife turmoil was getting further behind which aided in that quest.  Then began the sad dirge toward "happily ever after."  Would I ever meet "the one?"

Then, "the choice."  Wedding invitations in hand, I clearly heard the Spirit speak in my heart and say, "Wait!"  The Lord did not say I would not get married.  He simply stated, "Wait!"  Of course, wanting what everyone else had and desperately needing "Happily Ever After," I did not wait!  Sixteen years for that to bear fruit and it did.  Boy, did it ever.  

I've often testified when asked if I, "would I change that time."  I would say, "No!"  One, because of my precious daughter who blesses me all the time with her life.  Second,  would I want a "do over" of that life changing time?  I would also say, "No!" Even though I learned to trust the Lord in ways I never understood before.  Third, would I actually "ask" for such a lesson?  Absolutely Not!  So it is true, "All things work together for them that love God, who are called according to His purpose." (Rom 8.28)

Did the Lord know I would make such decisions?  Of course.  Did my Heavenly Father know how I would act, react and respond to such decisions?  Of course!  It was His way of teaching and training me for the next twenty years that would see "60 turns around the Sun."  He knew and still knows my "expected end."  (Jer 29.11)

Now, the rest of the story.  Sixty turns around the Sun and what do I have, what is my testimony/legacy?

  • Hope of Heaven when this life is done
  • a praying momma still with me
  • a beautiful daughter
  • a wonderful son in-law
  • a gloriously, delightful, wonderful granddaughter
  • still happily in touch with NC family and their lives
  • best friend of 45+ years
  • KJV inspired church home
  • humble, godly Pastor
  • church friends
  • eternal truths preached into my heart 
  • good job
  • roof over my head
  • food in the fridge
  • reasonable health
  • car and $$$ to put gas in it
  • a sound mind to tell any reader of this blog how good God has been to this ole girl
I could go on but you get the idea.  Spring, dear reader, is on the way!  Hang in there.  Trust the One who died for you and rose from the dead and still lives that you may live abundantly! (Jn 10.10)