

Can it really be that we are four years beyond the nightmare that was 2020?  A time that shut down churches, business and lives?  This blogger always believed it was political ploy, though a very real illness to be sure.  Yet, here we are 2024!  This will be my sixth decade around the sun in a few months.  My thoughts run to Colossians 4.2, "Continue..."

Continue what, you ask?

Well, the verse directs to "Continue in prayer, and watch...with thanksgiving."  Verse 5 instructs to "Walk in wisdom...redeeming the time."  Obviously, we should study the Word "that we may know how...to answer every man."  We will have much of the same in each life.  Church, work, kids, housekeeping, bills...and two things prevail that we may "continue;"  First, "In everything give thanks..." (I Thes 5.18) and second, "Continue in prayer..."

Life is difficult, hard and sometimes downright discouraging. (2 Cor 4.9) For a believer there is no place to stop, quit or give up.  We understand it is a daily walk with Him who "called us out of darkness into His marvellous light." (I Pet 2.9)

No new years resolutions. No better intentions.  No singular purpose.  Simply, "continue" in the way you have known. (2 Tim 3.14)  He never changes (Mal 3.6) and as believers one may depend on His "unchanging hand."

If one needs to adjust to His will, then do so, willingly and without murmuring.  All else yields to "continue in the way thou hast known." (2 Tim 3.14)

So, New Year Resolution?  "Continue!"