
2023 - 17 days and counting

 Seventeen days into the new year.  What are my thoughts?  

After reading I Corinthians 15, I am most encouraged by the last verse;

"...be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

Since the beginning of the Panademic in 2020, there have been many challenges.  Most of all, staying faithful to the "labor" He has given in this life.  Moving forward in 2023, I believe "pearls for beads" are on the way.  My Pastor believes our local church body will increase. I'm looking forward to prayers being answered in a number of areas.

Knowing my life verse, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed..." (Ps 57.7), I am doubly reassured and strengthened by Bro. Paul reminding me that "your labor is not in vain." At times it seems the drudgery of work and routine home life go on without end.  My joys, of course are being faithful to church, piano, being a mother and grandmother.  These are the bright spots in my journey towards home.

Understanding that everything I do has "purpose and plan,"  (Jer 29.11) I march on "toward the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3.14)

I would spur blog readers to forge ahead in the New Year, in the Name of the Lord Jesus and all His promises in scripture and what He may have impressed on your heart.

In His Name,

From the heart of "Greenland"

P.S. would love to share photos of my sweet granddaughter but still have no permission from her momma - maybe later