
Mid Summer 2022

 Once again, I would rather post a bunch of pix's of my sweet granddaughter but I'll honor her momma's wishes.  I can tell you she is beautiful and sweet and smart.  What else, would I say?  It is true.  Her sweet smile lights up this old "mawmaw's" heart.  She can count beyond twenty, knows letters, notes on the piano, 3 bible verses and makes up songs and sings them whilst playing most of the time. 

However, I've got to state and show pixs of my Rachel's accomplishments.  Whilst being a FT wife and mommy, she is still writing!  She also took time to study and receive an insurance license so she could earn income from home!  So stinking proud of her.  God has blessed her with smarts and know how beyond belief.  Thank you, Lord.

Below are all her publications and the link where they can be obtained.  Mostly, they are all about encouraging little people, teens and young single and married wives and mothers.  The last one, "The Special Crayon," is very special indeed.  When anyone feels "broken" or unable to interact with others, this story reminds us that everyone is "special" in their own way.   Enjoy and have a great Summer!

Also noted is the following blog to learn about this precious daughter of mine and what makes her tick!  rachellouder.wixsite.com/blog  

        You may also find these publications on www.amazon.com/Rachel-Loudermilk or just click on the picture of each book for  more.  Apologies for the uneven layout. Using an old platform.   
The latest publication...