

Today I have to stay home per company policy on COVID quarantine rules, five days.  What to do, what to do...Catch up on cleaning and organizing various cabinets.  These are things I do routinely but I need to convince myself that I can be productive during this time.

To update since last post; Christmas and New Year's have come and gone.  We are twenty days into the unbelievable year, 2022!  Remember all the hoopla at 2000?  The hysteria that said the computers wouldn't know how to handle all those zeros?  Yeah, right.

I would rather update my reader's on my sweet granddaughter.  As I'm not allowed to post pictures, I guess you'll have to take my word for it as to how cute she is, how much I love her and how smart she is.  

 My granddaughter is speaking more and more.  She recognizes colors, "wed (red), purrpl (purple), gween (green) and of course boo (blue).  She understands way more than she can say at the moment.  The cutest thing is to watch her throw a hissy fit and fall down in the floor only to "gently" hit her head on the wood floor so as not to injure herself too bad.  

She instantly recognizes via FaceTime many of the kiddy tunes Grandma sings.  "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands," "The Bible", "Deep and Wide."  No matter what she's doing, she immediately turns and responds with the hand actions and singing.

Her mom is working another book since "The Special Crayon."  We hope to see it finished by Summer. The rest of the family is well.  We got to see the NC family sing last Friday night at a church about twenty minutes from us.  We get together with them as often as possible.  

February will mean another birthday for my authoress. Another wedding anniversary for my brother and his wife.  

March will mean my granddaughter will turn 2!  Unbelievable, I've been a grandmother almost two years.

April, my sister pushes further into her fourth decade.

May is Mother's Day.

June is Mom's birthday.

The remainder of Summer will see two more birthdays.  Time stops for no one. However, I have to say, I'm enjoying this stage of life.  The older I get, the closer home I get.  Trusting the Lord who has brought me "Safe thus Far."