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Technically, my journey, that is, my spiritual journey, began at age 18. The Lord had graciously, mercifully and despite an unstable home life, saved me. I'll never forget that day. Click on "Testimony," to the right for the full account. Life moved on and five years later I met, "my knight in shining armor." He is not in my "Wedding Day," photo because he has been quite out of the picture for some years. I chose the photo of my mother and myself on my wedding day because, she has been a constant in my life, of course, since birth. The main thing I would be pressed to give about this woman is that I wake up every morning and hear her praying. I can't hear all she is saying but I know in that one act, I believe, heaven stands still to listen. One other precious constant was the dear lady in the photo next to momma. My "Mema" gave me "grit with my grace." She's been gone a few years and I still miss her.
Then, without a doubt, the happiest day in a woman's life - no, not the marriage but the day a woman becomes a mother. There are no words to describe the joy and sunshine, Rachel Elizabeth has brought
into my life. Even after the painful divorce and separation because of "visitation," we survived and are closer now than ever, I believe. I cannot express the bittersweet feelings visited me on her wedding day. She married the man of her dreams and her momma's prayers. I prayed that the Lord would give her "the best He had for her." Her sweet Mark is the answer to this momma's prayers. He has proven to be a good husband and that's not all!
Yes, the crowning joy of every woman's life - Grandmother! Her name is Raelyn Grace and while her little personality is still developing - she has her daddy's smile and her mom's stubborn ways! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for this little one. Her parents quote scripture to her, faithfully take her to church and thoroughly enjoy her.

These last photos are family. The Lord has brought us all through so much and is still faithful and merciful on this journey "home." His "compassions and mercies are new every morning." "Great is His faithfulness."
Grace, Grace, God's grace...
Ps 57.7