
...Restless but happy

Quite restless this morning. It's 4:22 am and I've been stirring since 2:30 am.  Current events may or may not have much to do with it, not sure.  Yesterday, I played the ending part for a funeral of a dear gentlemen from church.  The service was 30 minutes north in a beautiful part of our state.  A peaceful, quite little church on the side of the road in the mountains. 
Thinking about the dear soul who was laid to rest yesterday, I only knew of him at church.  A faithful, quiet man.  His pastor referred to him as "a pillar."  Given what I've learned of him and his family in the last nine years, I would have to say that is an accurate description.  Right or wrong, I told him once that "if I could've chosen a daddy, he would be the one." But, alas, God does not give us those choices. We are to be satisfied and even thankful for the people he puts in our lives and places in our paths.
So, why am I so restless? I'll admit, even though it was a funeral, I was around like-minded believers.  This makes me happy.  The bereaved family are kind, gracious people and it was a pleasure to do my part in the service and serving food afterwards. Simply put, this sort of service makes me happy.
I noted the difference in how I am at work and how I felt, even at a funeral. I'm reminded of the words of the priest, Ezra, after the people finished building the wall in Nehemiah's day. "...for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Neh 8.10) It is true.  My "joy" comes from laboring in His field and serving others.  I don't think I had ever realized it in this way before.  Certainly, I've quoted the verse many times but it has never impacted me this deeply.
I thought all my joy comes from my sweet daughter. Truly, she is a large part of what makes me happy and still gives me much joy. But she's been married now almost two years and though I'm still her mother, she doesn't need me as she once did.  
If being a mother is what one needs to be happy, it won't be enough. Kids grow up!
To conclude and go back to bed before the work day begins - I would like to point out one verse, though there are others, this seems to fit the best; "...but by love serve one another.(Gal 5.14)
A revelation that I hope to keep in front of me the rest of the way home.
Peace to all who read these words. Amen Ps 57.7