The first memory I have of this precious man of God is when myself and my friend, as teenagers, attempted to keep up with how many bible verses he quoted while preaching! We filled up at least two whole pages as fast as we could write! He was a human computer of the scriptures. He preached straight and sure because the truth of the Holy Writ was in His heart. God put it there and it never left.
He never wavered in his preaching regarding sin. All of it! I remember one of his many used phrases regarding sin. "How can I NOT 'cry aloud and spare not' when lives are at stake? (Isa 58.1). He understood completely and clearly, the way sin destroyed lives.
He taught that the bible was a "dispensational book." One must take it in context and be mindful of when and to whom it was being written to or all other truth would not be "rightly divided."
I'm sure in the days ahead I will recall much more because the truth of the Word that he preached was done in the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. God said "My Word would not return void." (Isa 55.11).
I often think of the Evangelist's wives and family's that are left behind as the man of God preaches week after week. A price is paid to carry the gospel to a lost and dying world as well as encouraging the saints along the way.
Thank you, Bro. Billy for being so faithful to this task - and for the sacrifices your wife and family made that you could do so and be a blessing to mine. Your work is done. You've finished your course and there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness. (2 Tim 4.7).