I wanted to "check in" with my electronic diary so
any reader that may be interested can catch up. Obviously, I've written since April, which is where I will start. Mainly, so I can showcase my girl's handiwork when celebrating a beloved Aunt's birthday. "A pix speaks 1,000 words." So proud of her.

Next, is Easter. She has "another family" that she must pay homage. She loves them and I believe they love her, especially the little nephew. Then the 4th and finally, life as it evolves around their local assembly. The thing is my sweet girl surrounds herself with "life!" God gave her the gift to make the best out of any given situation. That is, she finds the best part and goes in that direction. It's not to say she doesn't get frustrated and is definitely learning the fine art of "adulting" but a momma couldn't be any prouder of her little chick than I am. She is currently focused in another direction besides early childhood education but I'll wait to see what happens before posting results of that endeavor. As for my life, well, as the saying goes "same old, same old." Church, home, work...and more. Sprinkled in the mix, of course, is being mother and mother in-law to "my kids." I will always be Rachel's mother and maybe one day in the near future, as is her hope, a grandmother. Most of our conversations are about where she is in that quest. We also converse frequently about the changes at her church. She is so involved in everything FFBC is about that it gives her and sweet Mark much occupation outside of home and work. I couldn't be happier about their focus. Daily my prayers include asking the Lord to make her a godly wife and Mark to love the Lord more so he'll love Rachel right thus making their home a testimony of God's grace and goodness to all who know them.