

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  (Heb 11.1)
Since last post, I was let go from a job after three months!  The logic was that I "wasn't picking up the job fast enough." "Cast down but not destroyed." (II Cor 4.9)
One month later, a temporary job begun and still with it, though less than 20 hours per week and just above minimum wage.
So it is with faith in the One True God that I begin this entry.  You see, the "thorn in my side" of this christian walk seems to be financial.  That's okay because the Lord is giving this heart something else to chew on.
I have been reading the autobiography of the old saint, George Muller from Bristol, England.  It has been encouraging to say the least.
This man, after his conversion, did nothing without going to his knees in prayer and trusting God for the need.  He never published his poverty or great need, even when sick.  His story is one of faith and trust in our Heavenly Father who delights to give His children the "desire of their heart as the trust Him." (Ps 37.4)

George Muller

I have learned and am soaking in the truth that when God provides a need it is;
  1.  an encouragement to the believer.
  2.  a witness to the unbeliever. 
This, then, is the testimony to Him of the faith in each believer.  How else is the world to know of Him if we don't exercise the faith we say we have IN Him!
Thus, every need asked of God, according to His will, is to be given with complete faith that He can provide.  The difficult part is examining a heart that is "deceitful wicked." (Jer 17.9)

However, I have learned to hear His voice when I am still enough to listen.  I  have learned the sweet, gently urging of the Holy Spirit when it is in my hand to do a thing, without question. (Jn 2.5)
I have also learned that He answers prayer for no other reason than He loves me. (Mt 6.8, Rom 8.39)