
A moment of reflection and remembrance....
...for ye have not passed this way heretofore. (Joshua 3.4)
The intent in reading Joshua today is to study for the next SS lesson.  Then, the phrase above caught my attention. 
This April will conclude seven years since the Lord used this verse to mark the next step of my journey home.  This believer knew that where we were was a "polluted" thing (Mal 1.7).

Thirty-three years we stayed in the county that ended up being "a polluted thing."  
...ye have not passed this way heretofore

The day came, the Lord gave me the verse "...for ye have not passed this way heretofore."  
The preacher that gave the message said the Lord woke him early in the morning and changed the sermon he intended to preach that was part of a series.  The Holy Spirit interrupted the preacher's study because one of the Lord's children was to be in the service that day.  One of the Lord's children who needed direction.
The next Sunday, found this believer at the local assembly which will be seven years, this April.
Not only that but we had to relocate - sell a house, buy a house, get a job, establish a life in a new place after 33 years!
It was time, of course because family and friends had all moved away.  Much like Joshua after the death of Moses, I felt lonely but ready for the battle.
That, dear reader, was almost seven years ago.  To stumble across the verse that puts me in remembrance of such things causes this heart to praise my Redeemer and Shout!
Thanks for reminiscing with me.  
Come again...