
     Good morning!  "Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before."  Even, if one was fired in the middle of the last week!  Yep, because I "was not picking up the job fast enough" (after 3 months), I was let go.  Back to the constant financial burden.  As posted in previous entries, this is indeed my "thorn in the flesh."  It never goes away.  However, the morning I was let go, morning devotion brought a gentle warning to my soul: "something hard is coming but you are going to make it and I've got your back."  No kidding! This was what the Holy Ghost whispered to my heart on the day I was fired!
     It's not the first time before a tumultuous life event I've received such a warning.  I could site numerous examples but that is not my heart today.
     It is Sunday and because of weather, service has been called off this morning.  But not tonight, pending dangerous ice patches melting.  Stay tuned...
     My heart is on recent devotions from Matthew 20.   The parable of three workers who agreed to labor for the same wage but only one did an "honest day's work."  The question from this honest man was, "Why did they get the same pay for little or no work?"  The "lord of the vineyard" explained, "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?" (Mt 20.15)  hew, what a rebuke!                  
     It bothers me when I see others being slothful, lazy and unfaithful in the "Lord's vineyard."  Yet, they seem to prosper physically and emotionally.  Also, they get all the "air time" when prayer request are made.
     Then I read these words in verse 16, "the last shall be first, and the first last: (because) for many be called but few chosen."  I remember that the laborers of little will also be judged the same as I and their "works," so-called, will be burned.  (1 Cor 3.12-15)  You see, this is a temporal life that should be preparing, via works, for the eternal life.  I want to hear my Lord say, "well, done..."  Don't you?
     Wednesday night, the day I got fired, "my" kids sang a song about the pieces of clay behind the potter's house.  These pieces are those that would not yield to the potter's will, so they were discarded.  The pieces were still at the potter's house but not used.  I want to stay on the wheel, in His hands' to be molded as He wills (Mt 20.15), to be used for His honor and glory.  Anything else is null, void and useless.
     So, if it is His will to move me from one job to the one of His choosing, regardless of how long no income comes in by my hand, I will trust He knows best.  Because:
"I've never, I've never, no I've never seen the righteous forsaken or begging for bread."
"The steps of a good man are ordered by God's hand. It is his delight to serve the Lord willingly."
Though his steps may stumble, his world will not crumble for God will supply, O yes, He'll supply His every need!!!"
Have a blessed Sunday!