The Lord has been so good to us. My sweet Rachel is still at home but will probably be married before years end, although, no engagement yet. I want to keep her as long as the Lord will allow but I know she and her young man are ready to begin life's journey together. More details on that subject as soon as they are available. She has just entered her third semester of online enrollment at North Ga Tech. Passing grades so far as she makes ready for a career somewhere in elementary teaching. This momma is so proud of her little chick. God gave her a bright, quick mind to pursue such endeavors.
Also, this month, we were blessed to have our sweet Bro. Billy Mitchell in meeting. He preached the same strong, sound doctrine as always but with a feebler voice than his last visit with the church, about two years ago. Clearly, he is also nearing the end of his journey. The last night, he pleaded and implored everyone to be sure they were ready to meet the Lord. He used a saying I've heard often over the years, "if you are not ready to die, you are not ready to live."
A quick pictorial to note how long Rachel has know this great man of God:
"Quite literally, all
her life!" I got acquainted in my teen years - all told I've known
this man 37 years! One thing is true - His message and manner of
delivery has never changed. The only difference is, as noted above, he
has slowed down a bit. He has survived the miles, the cancer, near
death auto accident (hit by a Mack truck), family disappointments...But
in his message "How are you ending up," his life is summed up. He
preaches, "I know I've repented because I keep repenting. No time to
quit or let up. One must have the right start through the Lord Jesus
but to have a testimony that one is saved, that life must still show
fruits of that repentance."
One other notable this month, dear Bro. James Ransom went home to be with the Lord. He was 91 years old. He came to see us before I brought my Rachel home from the hospital. He gave the first $5 to her! Her first money! I remember two things he used to say; 1. Never leave a hospital room without praying, 2. Put your hand on your stomach. If you are breathing, praise the Lord! Because the bible says "Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord." I believe he did this all his days after he was saved in a little mill village in Gainesville, GA over 60 years! What a testimony.