Well, she did it!
12 years - many tears, toil and struggle and my girl is officially done with this chapter of her life! So proud of my Rachel. Eighteen years, 4 months and 10 days ago, the Lord was pleased to hand me this precious bundle. How can I every praise Him enough for the joy this child has brought to me.
Together, we have walked through some of life's darkest valley's. She said to me one day when thinking of one of these valleys in her childhood, "momma, I didn't think that you could see me." At the moment of that comment and on reflection, I have to say that "it hurt." Because, everything I did during that dark time, I had her in view. After, I realized, that she was remembering this time through the eyes of a child, how could she know the real truth of it?! Then, that dark time was done and look at the blessing on the other side of it! Glory, hallelujah, Amen!!!
Words will never contain the immense wonder and love in the heart of this mother for her child. As she completes this phase of life's journey, I cannot wait to see what things the Lord has in store for her. Her heart, as much as she has shared with me, is to follow His will, walking in all the light she has. I understand, that many of life's hardest lessons are still to be fought but I am confident that through His mercy, grace and truth given me to give to her, she will prevail.
Enjoy the photos and video as I have loved sharing them in this space. Ps 57.7, Isa 30.15, Rom. 8:28