
You still have to fight!!!


The battle is the Lord's but you still have to fight!

What is pure religion?  James 1.26 indicates one must be a "doer and not hearer only of the Word..."  James 1.26, 27 points out that "pure religion" is also one who "bridleth...his tongue and visits the fatherless and widows AND keep himself unspotted from the world." With all these directives who has time to fight giants?

Yet, giants are a part of every believers life.  Why?  

Ecclesiastes 2.5 states, "For gold is tried in the fire, and...in the furnace of adversity."
Nothing would seem more "adverse" than the image portrayed above.
What giants are you facing today?

Truth be told, in the life of this blogger, the battles are many and seem never ending.  The burdens/battles will follow us all the way home. Family, work, daily tasks. Burdens/battles in all.  When does it end?

  • Noah fought scoffers.
  • Moses stood his ground against the Pharaoh.
  • Jeremiah never saw one convert on his watch.
  • Daniel faithfully prayed on pain of the den of lions.
  • Shadrach and his brothers stayed faithful to their upbringing in the face of the fiery furnace.
  • David had learned the battle was the Lord's against the mighty Philistine.
  • Joseph kept a sweet spirit in the face of all the unjust actions against him.
  • Job never accused God though everything dear was taken from him.

Many other examples to be sure from the record left us by God of these faithful warriors.  
  • Have you been scoffed at?
  • Have your convictions been tested by your superior?
  • When was the last time you saw a spiritual birth?
  • Have you been threatened with death because of what you believe?
  • Have the authorities come knocking because you won't bow?
  • Does the battle seem overwhelmingly too big to conquer?
  • Do you often feel unvindicated or unjustly accused?
  • Have you suffered loss of family, home or dear friends?
Most of us would have to answer "no" to most of the scenes in question. So what is the answer when life feels overwhelming?

The shepherd boy had already been tested by a lion and a bear.  Perhaps you, dear reader have been mightily tested also.  The shepherd boy who had learned to sing in the loneliness of caring for the little lambs and the flock said it best with conviction in his soul...

"...I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel...This day will the Lord deliver thee into mind hand..."  I Sam 16.45, 46

So, again, why must you fight? To prove the One in you who is greater than "he that is in the world." (I Jn 4.4)  Much more could be said about gaining rewards and crowns but suffice it to leave the words of little David ringing in your ears.  

The battle is the Lord's!