
NEVER, is a long time


The heart is heavy today. The mind is clouded with useless things.  The spirit endeavors to focus and center on help.  Prayer has been made. Now what? Time and age have taught the thought in the verse presented here. There is nothing else, just trust His promise.  A promise given to Moses in Deut. 31.6,8 and Joshua 1.5.  The statement of belief given in Hebrews after teaching on "brotherly love, entertaining strangers, marriage being right over adultery, instruction against covetousness and being content," THEN "I will NEVER leave thee nor forsake thee."

With all the troubles, sorrows and heartache in life, a promise, "I will NEVER leave...nor forsake..." Antonyms for the word "NEVER" would be "always and forever."  No room in either word for pause or hesitation.  The Lord told Moses to tell the people in Exo 3.14, "(the) I AM hath sent me to you." Again in Heb 13.8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, AND FOREVER."  

So, if the "I AM " never changes and never means always, dependence on the Lord "NEVER" leaving His children should put every burden, sorrow or heartache to rest.  True, easier said than done and that's where faith steps in and trusts with that "childlike faith" demonstrated in Mt. 18.2-3.