Once again, let a picture speak 1,000 words. We are still waiting on the newest member to "Greenland." How far we've come. Two broken homes. Miles driving to church. Needing a place to rest my weary heart. Then, my "year of jubilee, my mountain, my Canaanland." "Great is Thy faithfulness." (Lam 3.23)

Meditation this morning was from daily bible reading which was in Exodus 14 and 15. How mighty is the Lord that delivers His people from bondage. Only after the blood has been applied to one's heart, just like it was on the doorposts that last night in Egypt's land, can His wondrous works be seen in all their glory. When this blogger began documenting her life in this format, there is no way the picture at the left could be known. His faithfulness, in spite of my lack, knows no bounds. His love, in spite of my lack also, knows no bounds. Yet I can shout and praise His Name that He has given this old girl, "Joy unspeakable and full of Glory." Stay tuned for the picture that is the crowning glory of the years of heartache. Thank you, Lord.
Also, my sweet girl is still serving her Lord, as she awaits the blessing of the life within...