For midweek prayer service we met on Tuesday. The pastor had a notion for all to think of one thing for which he/she was thankful. The answers were varied but insightful into the hearts and minds of the people. The eldest lady church member said she was thankful for water. She had been thinking about it since asked to give one thing and realized one could not live without water.
Many, of course were thankful for Salvation, family and health. Two interesting thoughts came to bear however. One lady said she was thankful for the time she spent as a young girl on her grandparents farm. She had been placed there, apart from two other siblings, because the mother could not take care of her. She said that at the time she resented much of the lack of "things" and separation from her mother, brother and sister. But, many years later, she realized how the Lord was working in her life to prepare her for future difficulty's. It occurred to her that she never went hungry and always had a roof over her head.
Another mother, very grateful for her only child, said that wasn't the the thing she was most thankful for. Out of a certain life trial many years before, she was thankful for what the Lord taught her. During that trial, she learned to lean on the Lord in a way she had never understood before. Although she said she wouldn't want to live it over again, she declared that she wouldn't change it because of the spiritual maturity and grateful heart it gave her.
The thing is, we are to be thankful in sunshine and in rain! The Lord never promised us a "bed of roses." Job told us clearly in all his sorrows that; "man that is born of woman is few days and full of Trouble." (Job 14.)
But what we can do, regardless of our circumstances, environment or sorrows, is "give thanks." After all, He told us to. As believers, we really don't have a choice. One must conclude, then, that there is ALWAYS something to give thanks for!
Ps 57.7